Leading A Healthier Lifestyle: What You Can Change Today

My least favorite part of the holidays is coming soon: Resolution Season. I call it a season because unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to last. We’ve all struggled with making the big changes, and more importantly, keeping them.

But why do we wait until January to change? Why not do it now, during the busiest and most challenging time of year, so that we know we can truly take on anything? Here are some things you can change today!

1. Drink more water

This is always my number one, because I’m always trying to improve my water intake. I can’t stress enough how important this is. The rule is that you divide your body weight in half, and you drink that much in ounces. But if you’re exercising more frequently or you find yourself overly tired, you should increase accordingly.

2. Stretch!

Stretching does a lot for your body and mind. I stretch before, during, and after excoriate, as well as before bed. It’s helped relieve my lower back aches, and it actually releases the build up of acid from hard workouts.

3. Get rid of 1 unhealthy habit each month 

Sometimes when you look at things on a smaller scale, it’s less overwhelming. Rather than tackling everything at once, start with baby steps. Whether it’s biting your nails or stopping at McDonald’s after work, remove 1 bad habit each month. Keep working at it even if you cave in a few times. My unhealthy habit of the month: stop snacking before bed.


4. Re-evaluate your goals

Do you know what you want anymore? What exactly are you working towards? Sometimes we get off track and we forget about the lists we made and the plans we swore we would stick to. And that’s okay! But don’t forget to go back and reevaluate those goals and dreams. You can’t reach them if you don’t know what they are anymore. My big goal: Lose some muscle mass/water weight around my legs/hips and tone up. This means less exercise and better diet!

5. Find some peace with yourself 

Our bodies aren’t perfect. But they’re pretty amazing when you really think about it. When I was younger, I was at war with my body constantly, or for no good reason. I didn’t realize how healthy and strong I was until one day, I wasn’t. Find some peace with what is. Accept it, and move on with a different approach to those goals.

What are you changing this month to better your health?

Published by Amanda N

Lifestyle blogger 🎗 Navigating life as a military spouse on the East Coast. Join our adventure!

10 thoughts on “Leading A Healthier Lifestyle: What You Can Change Today

  1. These are some great tips! I definitely don’t drink enough water. Perhaps the best advice is your last point about finding peace with yourself. Too often we are so hard on ourselves for not being perfect and then we don’t see any of the progress or baby steps we’ve made in the right direction.


    1. I never realized how dehydrated I was until I started drinking the correct amount. Is does wonders for weight loss, your skin, your energy, everything! And I agree, it’s easy to overlook that progress when you can’t see yourself clearly. Thanks for reading!


  2. I love the tips! They resonated with my recent habit building article (if you’d like to, check it out!). I really like finding like-minded people 🙂


  3. What awesome tips! I appreciated the reminder to STRETCH! I work at a desk most of the day, and often forget to take breaks and move my body. Thanks for the helpful reminders!!!


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