Leading A Healthier Lifestyle: What You Can Change Today

My least favorite part of the holidays is coming soon: Resolution Season. I call it a season because unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to last. We’ve all struggled with making the big changes, and more importantly, keeping them. But why do we wait until January to change? Why not do it now, during the busiest andContinue reading “Leading A Healthier Lifestyle: What You Can Change Today”

6 Tips To Help You Stay On Track During The Holidays

The holiday season is my absolute favorite time of year. From the decorations, to the parties, it’s hard not to become completely immersed in all of it. But the holidays can actually be a very stressful time for many. In past years, it’s been a struggle to stay on track with my fitness goals. IContinue reading “6 Tips To Help You Stay On Track During The Holidays”

7 Tips To Help You Get Back To Your Workout Routine

Let me just start by saying that working out is not easy. And it’s not the weights or the treadmill that make it difficult. It’s simply getting our butts out of bed and driving there. Once I walk through the door, everything is fine. But there are definitely some mornings when it takes all of myContinue reading “7 Tips To Help You Get Back To Your Workout Routine”

Why Wait For The New Year? Fitness Goals to Reach by December

One of my biggest downfalls in my own personal fitness is that I often put things off. I tell myself “it’s ok, I’ll just start on Monday instead.” Eventually Monday turns into never and I’m way behind on the goal that I wanted to reach. So I got to thinking: why do we wait untilContinue reading “Why Wait For The New Year? Fitness Goals to Reach by December”