The Real Questions We Ask Ourselves As Military Spouses

“When will he come home?”, “Will he be here for my party?”, “He won’t deploy again for a while, right?” We’ve all gotten them. The never ending, sometimes prying questions that force us to stop for a moment and collect ourselves. Questions that strike us as being so insensitive or disconnected, that we genuinely wonderContinue reading “The Real Questions We Ask Ourselves As Military Spouses”

If I Didn’t Love Someone In The Military

When we pulled into the parking lot, the sun was beginning to go down and the 90 degree heat finally gave way to dusk. I sat in the back with Kyle, arm wrapped tightly around his, hoping the car wouldn’t come to a stop. But moments later, it did, and he gently let go ofContinue reading “If I Didn’t Love Someone In The Military”

Getting Married Young In The Military: How We Got Here

On a summer day in early June, I drove myself to my very first job. It was at a resort where crowds flourished in the summer, and completely disappeared as soon as October hit. It certainly wasn’t a bad gig for my first job, and I was more than excited to get out of theContinue reading “Getting Married Young In The Military: How We Got Here”

5 Tips For Planning Your Wedding: Military Edition

I was never one of those girls that planned her wedding at an early age. I didn’t have any wedding scrap books and I didn’t daydream about my big day. I thought about it from time to time, but I had too many ideas to make a solid plan. But when Kyle proposed, I doveContinue reading “5 Tips For Planning Your Wedding: Military Edition”

4 Communication Challenges That Military Families Face

Sitting in my room, with tears streaming down my face, I couldn’t understand how we got here. How did we go from a loving, carefree couple to the type of people who would yell at each other? How did we lose ourselves in separation, and worry, and stress? I went over it all again andContinue reading “4 Communication Challenges That Military Families Face”

How To Deal: 10 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming A MilSo

It was a hot August day, and we had just arrived on base for our very first Family Day. I was so excited to see all of the other wives, girlfriends, sisters and mothers that were gathered, with children running all over the place. I thought, “This is going to be great! I finally getContinue reading “How To Deal: 10 Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming A MilSo”

What It Means To Love A Military Man

When I was a senior in high school, I decided to take an accounting class to better my real-world knowledge. I didn’t want to be stuck in calculus like the rest of my friends, because I would never be using that in the real world. I wanted to know how to balance a checkbook, takeContinue reading “What It Means To Love A Military Man”

4 Ways That Social Media Glorifies Military Relationships

As a blogger, especially one that focuses on the military lifestyle, I’ve always aimed to be nothing but honest. I’ve never wanted to mislead any of my readers, especially those who are here seeking answers and guidance. It’s impossible to find what you’re truly searching for when every post and article points you in a differentContinue reading “4 Ways That Social Media Glorifies Military Relationships”